三轮车 & 串联

Sycamore Tricycle Derby

The Sycamore Tricycle Derby and the Making of a 同学会 Tradition
By Cinda May, Historian

On October 11, 1963, at 3:15 p.m. 学生们, 教师, 和澳门合法赌场官网的工作人员见证了一项注定成为该大学最持久的传统之一的活动——梧桐三轮车德比. “观众对德比的兴趣非常高,”《澳门赌场玩法官网》报道. “[People] were lined up four and five deep all around the track, hanging out of classroom windows, 站在建筑物的顶端,这样他们就能清楚地看到比赛.约翰·希普曼,美国.S. Auto Club and assistant starter at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, dropped the green flag, first for the women’s powder puff division and later for the men’s race, a position he holds still to this day. 代表里夫和帕森斯大厅以及所有姐妹会和兄弟会的学生们骑着儿童三轮车在老四边形的一部分疯狂地骑了十圈. 第一场比赛的获胜者是女子的里夫霍尔和男子的帕森霍尔. 比赛在主广场周围的人行道上进行了四年,使用儿童三轮车. Teams consisted of both men’s and women’s organizations, derived from sororities, 兄弟会, and residence hall students. 在骑小三轮车的四年里,学生们开始认真对待这项比赛. They sought a more competitive challenge and wanted a faster-paced race. Although no one knew it at the time, “三轮车竞赛”将成为澳门合法赌场官网返校传统的一个组成部分.

随着比赛从1963-1966年的老四方球场(Old Quad)搬到1967-1978年的马克斯球场(Marks Field),比赛形式也发生了变化, 1980-1991)到维戈县游乐场的ISU驾驶员教育课程(1992-1999)到澳门合法赌场官网校园的东部娱乐(2000年至今). Terre Haute South High School furnished a home for the race in 1979. With each change of track, the race committee adapted the rules. 第一个根本性的变化发生在学生们的竞争精神超过了老四边形和儿童自行车的时候. The desire for victory clamored for a more robust tricycle.

From 1967 through 1971, 比赛包括男子40圈整圈和女子25圈半圈,维修站位于赛道的前后. 由于参赛人数众多,需要将比赛分成预赛,排名靠前的队伍参加最后的特色项目. Each team consisted of four riders. An ice cream social capped the occasion.

Sycamore三轮车德比赛从1972年到1976年在马克斯菲尔德举行,男子比赛全程40圈,女子比赛全程20圈. The teams consisted of six riders with one alternate. 1973年,排位赛圈速最快的男女选手首次获得了“风火轮”的荣誉称号. 1977年,竞赛委员会将女子比赛延长到24圈. Sycamore三轮车德比赛于1980年重新回到马克斯菲尔德,委员会将女子比赛延长到25圈. 2003年,女子比赛延长到30圈,男子比赛延长到42圈.

迈克尔·西蒙斯学生活动中心站在证明了一个返校传统的耐力. Dedicated on October 21, 2005, the building contains the Susan Bareford Memorial Classroom, storage for the trikes, 卫生间, bleachers for onlookers, and a covered observation deck.

Sycamore三轮车德比对其支持者的影响是不可磨灭的. Riders across the decades speak passionately of the experience. 奉献, 努力工作, 持久性, 勇气, 合作, 友情, bonds that last a lifetime, all describe the meaning of trike to its participants

从1963年的“踢屁股”起源到21世纪的复杂组织, 梧桐三轮车德比是澳门合法赌场官网的返校传统.

串联 Race and Spring Week

春季周始于1970年,是澳门合法赌场官网百年校庆的一部分.  春季周的主要亮点是双人自行车赛——被认为是全国唯一的男女混合双人自行车赛.  Today, Spring Week is the largest all-campus activity in the spring.  The activities include community service, 教育, 休闲, 娱乐, and competitive involvement for students and organizations.

双人车队由校园组织组成,各提供10名男女车手, 加上两个候补.  Organizations enter individually and are paired by drawings. 

1970年的双人赛在沃巴什河畔的费尔班克斯公园举行,全程25圈.  Included in the event were competitive games, special 娱乐, and a carnival presented by campus organizations.

In 1971, the race took place at the Wabash Valley Fairgrounds on the Action Track, a half-mile oval dirt track.  It consisted of a 50 mile, 100- lap test of endurance and speed.  Activities included midget-races, 跳伞, 工艺品, 娱乐, and full-fledged carnival with rides.

1972年,比赛回到了费尔班克斯公园,然后在1973年转移到校园.  比赛在锡卡莫尔大厦(Sycamore Tower Complex)周围的城市街道上举行th, 5th, Chestnut, and Mulberry Streets).   The name “串联onia” was coined to replace “Spring Week”.

1974年,比赛再次移至马克斯菲尔德,在四分之一英里的赛道上进行100圈或25英里的比赛.  Seventeen teams competed in the race.  Corners were close, but no wrecks were caused by the track itself.

1976年,坦德蒙尼亚委员会决定开始从施温自行车“转换”到更新的过程, 轻量级的自行车.

1991年的串联运动会包括一个双人开球,取代了Donaghy Day活动和双人运动会.  串联fest, a lip-sync contest was held in Tilson Music Hall, Yell-Like-Hell, 棒球集会, and the actual race continued in their traditional pattern.

Due to resurfacing Mark’s Field for major track events, 1993年,这项比赛被转移到沃巴什山谷游乐场的司机教育中心.  Nineteen races were held on Mark’s Field.

25th 1995年举办了周年纪念活动,“串联onia”改为“Spring Week”,活动更像原来的活动, including a campus carnival.

The 1996 Spring Week Committee emphasized involving more individuals, as well as residence hall students, 比如举办轮滑比赛,让学生们在宿舍而不是女生联谊会的套房里配对装饰窗户.

比赛一直在沃巴什谷露天广场举行到1999年4月.  Seven races were held at the Driver’s Education facility.  在2000年2月串联实践被转移到新的轨道在娱乐东设施位于9th and Spruce Streets on the ISU campus.  Nine teams competed on April 15, 2000年,作为新赛道上的第一场比赛而载入史册!

迈克尔·西蒙斯活动中心于2005年被添加到娱乐东部综合大楼.  这座建筑为训练和比赛增加了一个新的维度,为官员提供了一个评分的中心位置,为球迷提供了一个更好地观看比赛的露天看台.

In 2012, 比赛缩短为50圈,所有队伍使用由休闲体育办公室(现在称为校园娱乐)提供的标准化双人自行车。.
